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Our mission
is to bring dedication, discipline, and opportunity
to all athletes in our local community. The goal is to help all athletes that are willing to work extremely
hard achieve their goals.

Core Values
• dedication
• discipline
• health
• opportunity
• growth
the JJR Foundation was established to bring opportunities to athletes of all levels located here in the Illinois valley. THE JJR FOUNDATION aims to give all kids the chance to be a part of sports and training. We are here to help keep kids active , develop self confidence and live a healthy lifestyle.

College Scholarships
Award board reviewed and approved scholarships to athlete and non-athlete members who apply
Business and private donations help keep local kids active and healthy while having fun! sponsorships will also help athletes who cannot, for whatever reason, afford membership to jjr next level training.

JJ Raffelson
Heather Raffelson
Lyn Raffelson
Board of Directors:
President: TJ Templeton
Vice President: Tony Brucker
Secretary: Barbie Smith
Member: Charlie Breneman
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